Hats off to Diane Davis and Terri Ostlie as they coordinate and organize our Rebuilding Day headquarters, at the Twin Peaks Senior center on April 25th. The work really starts now, as Diane starts collecting names of the participants. It really helps to sign up early so all the paperwork is done by the time we gather on the day. Volunteer coordinators are recruited to manage the non-tradespeople’s projects, and Wayne Palmer has recruited the House Captains to direct the trade workers. The House Captains have started to meet and refine the scope of work at each home and order whatever materials are required for delivery on the 25th. All this has started long before you arrive at the event, the day before, all the food to made lunches is delivered and those heavenly Jensen’s donuts oh my.

So now you arrive there are lines with groups of letters that coordinate with your names, you have signed up ahead of time so all your paperwork is done and you wiz thru the line, meeting at least 2 people you know already. The multiple conversations grow in intensity as old and new friends catch up and anticipation grows. Suddenly your house number is called, and you head off to spread the love. Meanwhile back at the senior center a group of volunteers have started to make your lunch and writing the thank you notes enclosed. You are out there aiding your neighbors that were selected last year, and that warm feeling begins to grow, you make new friends and reconnect with old ones and those neighbors you don’t see enough of. After the workday is done, and you have hopefully had a chance to get washed up, back to the Twin Peaks Senior Center we go for the congratulatory Spaghetti dinner. Stories are told, laughs are abundant, and smiles go all around. Come join us for the best time you have ever had while breaking a sweat!

Call Rebuilding Together Mountain Communities for a good time.909-336-3910

P.O. Box 3540

Blue Jay Ca 92317
